PLUS: Frontier's $48.6mm buy, M2X gas to methanol, Innergex renewables sale, Salesforce energy transition, Carbonfuture-Swiss Re carbon removal, BCG report
PLUS: MVP begins operations, Power JVs, landfill RNG, green hydrogen and ammonia in Canada, Piñon secures MRV. Running Tide shuts down
PLUS: Aramco and Ukraine LNG deals, Google's CTT on geothermal, Solugen's $213mm DOE loan, Blackstone's acquisition, General Atlantic's buy, 3D carbon removal
PLUS: Tallgrass CCS, Foresight's €300mm raise, Mercuria invests in nat gas storage, CHK sustainability, NextEra-Entergy, TerraPower groundbreaking, Oxy's nuclear for DAC, DOE fusion funding
PLUS: ENGIE's carbon removal, Technip and Turner win CCUS EPC, MSFT datacenter pledge, Pollination $150mm fund, CNX sustainability report, SkyNRG's SAF announcement
PLUS: $100mm fusion raise, Climeworks new DAC tech, Clean Energy RNG expansion, Aira raises €200 million, Leeward-PG&E AZ energy storage
PLUS: Duke's power plan, CEV's $305mm fund, JPM's $680mm into Orsted, COP-MRO, Aethon's buy, WM's $55mm RNG, Cemex RNG, Li-Cycle-Daimler battery recycling, Gradient geothermal
PLUS: Ørsted-MSFT carbon removal, Google's Japan solar, RWE wind farms, Energy Transfer's $3.25bn acquisition
PLUS: Permian H2S and power, Cresta CNG, $20mm geothermal raise, Veriten leads Aeromine, Google bets on Verse
PLUS: 280 Earth DAC, Aramco-Rondo, KKR's $300mm solar credit facility, Iberdrola acquires Avangrid, SCE-Lotus CA transmission lines
PLUS: Mizuho $13bn hydrogen, TPG's $1.5bn snag, ADNOC ammonia, Pertamina-Exxon CCS, JERAs decarb plan, Crescent buys SilverBow
PLUS: Climeworks DAC online, Cemvita SAF, Meta's Indiana solar, Oklo-Atomic Alchemy, AEP sells sub for $315mm, carbon removal